Памятник Ермаку

Rating :
attractions / monument, sculpture
Russia, Алтайский край, city Змеиногорск
г. Змеиногорск, на "Старой плотине"
- 51.148013000000 82.193714000000

- after 2000 year
- statue
- reconstructed
- до 30 минут
- outstanding people
- granite

Suitable place for: couple, romantic, romantic trip; family with children over 10 years; one visit, a trip to one; tour in the city / promenade; beautiful view; eco-tourism, green tourism, holidays in the countryside; budget, economy class; may holidays; honeymoon

Suitable for hobbies: history; sightseeing; travel / tourism; bike

Place was added by:
2014-02-17, 14:52
Last changes of information:
2014-02-17, 15:45
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