Монастир-фортеця ордену Босих Кармелітів • Монастырь-крепость ордена Босых Кармелитов • The fortified Carmelite monastery

Rating :
attractions / religious, religious building of worship for / monastery, abbey, priory
attractions / castle, a fortress, a military structure or facility (except secret) / fortress
Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka oblast', Бердичев
площа Соборна, 25
площадь Соборная, 25
Cathedral Square, 25
- 49.897682000000 28.574141000000

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- На території працює музей з 8:00 до 17:00 (понеділок - вихідний)
- until the 20th century
- reconstructed
- до 1 часа
- free
- ukrainian; russian

Suitable place for: tour in the city / promenade; beautiful view; budget, economy class

Suitable for hobbies: travel / tourism

Place was added by:
Yana Kar’eva
2014-07-23, 19:46
Last changes of information:
Yana Kar’eva
2014-07-23, 20:43
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