Вороны. Клетка с воронами на Рейтарской

Rating :
entertainment, education / circus, zoo, aquarium, greenhouse / mini zoo
Ukraine, Kyivs'ka oblast', city Kyiv (Kiev)
улица Рейтарская 9-Б (район м. Золотые Ворота), во дворе
- 50.450913000000 30.512560000000

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- 1990-2000 year
- до 30 минут
- free

Suitable place for: family with children over 10 years; a family with children under 10 years; couple, romantic, romantic trip; one visit, a trip to one; tour in the city / promenade; budget, economy class

Suitable for hobbies: bike; sightseeing; bike // biking

Place was added by:
2015-06-02, 14:56
Last changes of information:
2015-06-02, 15:05
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